Gesellschaft für angewandte Vitaminforschung e.V.


Übersicht über Publikationen 2018

Im Jahr 2018 sind zahlreiche Artikel mit Bezug zu Vitaminen erschienen, an denen die Vorstandsmitglieder der Gesellschaft für angewandte Vitaminforschung e. V. (GVF) beteiligt waren. Dieser Auflistung können Sie interessante Veröffentlichungen nicht nur über Vitamine, sondern auch über andere Mikronährstoffe entnehmen.

Übersicht über Publikationen 2018 DE


Bird, J. K., Calder, P. C., Eggersdorfer, M. (2018): The Role of n-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, and Interactions with Statins. In: Nutrients, 2018; 10, 775. DOI: 10.3390/nu10060775. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6024670/pdf/nutrients-10-00775.pdf

Birringer, M., Siems, K., Maxones, A., Frank, J., Lorkowski, S. (2018): Natural 6-Hydroxy-Chromanols and -Chromenols: Structural Diversity, Biosynthetic Pathways and Health Implications. In: RSC Advances, 2018; 8, 4803. DOI: 10.1039/c7ra11819h. Open Access: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2018/ra/c7ra11819h.

Birringer, M., Eggersdorfer, M. (2018): Forschungspreis der Gesellschaft für angewandte Vitaminforschung (GVF) an Herrn Prof. Dr. med. Hans Konrad Biesalski für sein wissenschaftliches Lebenswerk. In: Ernährung & Medizin 2018; 33, 1. DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-101070. Open Access: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/pdf/10.1055/s-0044-101070.pdf.

Bourges, H., Flores, M., Solomons, N., Eggersdorfer, M., Gallagher, C. (2018): The Vitamin D, Key Nutriment for the Human Health, and its General State in the Mexican Population. In: Salud Publica de Mexico, 2018; 60, 375. DOI: 10.21149/9028.

Bruins, M. J., Bird, J. K., Aebischer, C. P., Eggersdorfer, M. (2018): Considerations for Secondary Prevention of Nutritional Deficiencies in High-Risk Groups in High-Income Countries. In: Nutrients, 2018; 10, 47. DOI: 10.3390/nu10010047. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793275/pdf/nutrients-10-00047.pdf.

Calvo-Castro, L. A., Sus, N., Schiborr, C., Bosy-Westphal, A., Duran, M. L., Fesenmeyer, D., Fesenmeyer, G., Frank, J. (2018): Pharmacokinetics of Vitamin E, γ-Oryzanol and Ferulic Acid in Healthy Humans after the Ingestion of a Rice Bran-Enriched Porridge Prepared with Water or with Milk. In: European Journal of Nutrition (published online). DOI: 10.1007/s00394-018-1770-6.

Eggersdorfer, M., Akobundu, U., Bailey, R. L., Shlisky, J., Beaudreault, A. R., Bergeron, G., Blancato, R. B., Blumbergj. B., Bourassa, M. W., Gomes, F., Jensen, G., Johnson, M. A., Mackay, D., Marshall, K., Meydani, S. N., Tucker, K. L. (2018): Hidden Hunger: Solutions for America’s Aging Populations. In: Nutrients, 2018; 10, 1210. DOI: 10.3390/nu10091210. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165209/pdf/nutrients-10-01210.pdf.

Eggersdorfer, M., Wyss, A. (2018): Carotenoids in Human Nutrition and Health. In: Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 2018; 652, 18. DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2018.06.001.

Giller, K., Drews, B., Berard, J., Kienberger, H., Schmicke, M., Frank, J., Spanier, B., Daniel, H., Geisslinger, G., Ulbrich, S. E. (2018): Bovine Embryo Elongation is Altered due to Maternal Fatty Acid Supplementation. In: Biology of Reproduction, 2018; 99: 600. DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioy084.

Hidayat, K., Yang, J., Zhang, Z., Chen, G.-C., Qin, L.-Q., Eggersdorfer, M., Zhang, W. (2018): Effect of Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation on Heart Rate: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. In: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018; 72, 805. DOI: 10.1038/s41430-017-0052-3. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5988646/pdf/41430_2017_Article_52.pdf.

Höller, U., Bakker, S. J. L., Düsterloh, A., Frei, B., Köhrle, J., Konz, T., Lietz, G., McCann, A., Michels, A. J., Molloy, A. M., Murakami, H., Rein, D., Saris, W. H. M., Schmidt, K., Shimbo, K., Schumacher, S., Vermeer, C., Kaput, J., Weber, P., Eggersdorfer, M. (2018): Micronutrient Status Assessment in Humans: Current Methods of Analysis and Future Trends. In: Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018; 102, 110. DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.02.001.

Irías-Mata, A., Sus, N., Flory, S., Stock, D., Woerner, D., Podszun, M., Frank, J. (2018):
α-Tocopherol Transfer Protein does not Regulate the Cellular Uptake and Intracellular Distribution of α- and γ-Tocopherols and -Tocotrienols in Cultured Liver Cells. In: Redox Biology, 2018; 19, 28. DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2018.07.027. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6082990/pdf/main.pdf.

Manios, Y., Moschonis, G., Lambrinou, C. P., Mavrogianni, C., Tsirigoti, L., Hoeller, U., Roos, F. F., Bendik, I., Eggersdorfer, M., Celis-Morales, C., Livingstone, K. M., Marsaux, C. F. M., Macready, A. L., Fallaize, R., O’Donovan, C. B., Woolhead, C., Forster, H., Walsh, M. C., Navas-Carretero, S., San-Cristobal, R. (2018): Associations of Vitamin D Status with Dietary Intakes and Physical Activity Levels among Adults from Seven European Countries: The Food4Me Study. In: European Journal of Nutrition, 2018; 57, 1357. DOI: 10.1007/s00394-017-1415-1.

Mohajeri, M. H., Brummer, R. J. M., Rastall, R. A., Weersma, R. K.; Harmsen, H. J. M., Faas, M., Eggersdorfer, M. (2018): The Role of the Microbiome for Human Health: From Basic Science to Clinical Applications. In: European Journal of Nutrition, 2018; 57, 1. DOI: 10.1007/s00394-018-1703-4. Open Access: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00394-018-1703-4.pdf.

Pein, H., Ville, A., Pace, S., Temml, V., Garscha, U., Raasch, M., Alsabil, K., Viault, G., Dinh, C. P., Guilet, D., Troisi, F., Neukirch, K., König, S., Bilancia, R., Waltenberger, B., Stuppner, H., Wallert, M., Lorkowski, S., Weinigel, C., Rummler, S., Birringer, M., Roviezzo, F., Sautebin, L., Helesbeux, J. J., Séraphin, D., Mosig, A. S., Schuster, D., Rossi, A., Richomme, P., Werz, O., Koeberle, A. (2018): Endogenous Metabolites of Vitamin E Limit Inflammation by Targeting 5-Lipoxygenase. In: Nature Communications, 2018; 9, 1. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06158-5. Open Access: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-06158-5.pdf.

Pignitter, M., Zaunschirm, M., Unterberger, L., Kopic, A., Keßler, C., Kienesberger, J., Somoza, V., Lach, J., Pischetsrieder, M., Eggersdorfer, M., Riegger, C. (2018): Regioisomeric Distribution of 9- and 13-hydroperoxy Linoleic Acid in Vegetable Oils during Storage and Heating. In: Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 2018; 98, 1240. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8766. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5814864/pdf/JSFA-98-1240.pdf.

Post, A., Minović, I., van den Berg, E., Eggersdorfer, M., Navis, G. J., Geleijnse, J. M., Gans, R. O. B., van Goor, H., Struck, J, Franssen, C. F. M., Kema, I. P., Bakker, S. J. L. (2018): Renal Sulfate Reabsorption in Healthy Individuals and Renal Transplant Recipients. In: Physiological Reports, 2018; 6, 1. DOI: 10.14814/phy2.13670. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5907819/pdf/PHY2-6-e13670.pdf.

Schmölz, L., Schubert, M., Kirschner, J., Kluge, S., Galli, F., Birringer, M., Wallert, M., Lorkowski, S. (2018): Long-Chain Metabolites of Vitamin E: Interference with Lipotoxicity via Lipid Droplet Associated Protein PLIN2. In: BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2018; 1863, 919. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2018.05.002.

Schmölz, L., Schubert, M., Kluge, S., Birringer, M., Wallert, M., Lorkowski, S. (2018): The Hepatic Fate of Vitamin E. In: Morales-Gonzalez, J. A. (Hrsg.): Vitamin E in Health and Disease, 1. London: IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79445. Open Access: https://www.intechopen.com/chapter/pdf-download/62683.

Schubert, M., Kluge, S., Schmölz, L., Wallert, M., Galli, F., Birringer, M., Lorkowski, S. (2018): Long-Chain Metabolites of Vitamin E: Metabolic Activation as a General Concept for Lipid-Soluble Vitamins?. In: Antioxidants, 2018; 7, 10. DOI: 10.3390/antiox7010010. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5789320/pdf/antioxidants-07-00010.pdf.

von Lintig, J., Eggersdorfer, M., Wyss, A. (2018): News and Views about Carotenoids: Red-hot and True. In: Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 2018; 657, 74. DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2018.09.010.

Zaunschirm, M., Pignitter, M., Kienesberger, J., Hernler, N., Riegger, C., Eggersdorfer, M., Somoza, V. (2018):  Contribution of the Ratio of Tocopherol Homologs to the Oxidative Stability of Commercial Vegetable Oils. In: Molecules, 2018; 23, 206. DOI: 10.3390/molecules23010206. Open Access: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6017329/pdf/molecules-23-00206.pdf.


(Stand 11.01.2019)