Gesellschaft für angewandte Vitaminforschung e.V.

Klinische Studien

PHS II - Physicians' Health Study II


Boston, USA


15000 männliche Ärzte im Alter von mindestens 55 Jahren


  • KHK
  • Krebs
  • Augenerkrankungen


1998 bis voraussichtlich 2005


doppeltblind, randomisiert, placebokontrolliert, 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 faktorielles Design
Untersuchung zur Primärprävention


Mehrere Gruppen:

  • 400 IU Vitamin E oder sein Placebo jeden zweiten Tag im Wechsel mit 50 mg Beta-Carotin bzw. Placebo
  • 500 mg Vitamin C oder Placebo/Tag
  • ein Multivitaminpräparat (Centrum Silver, Lederle) oder sein Placebo/Tag


Thai Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.
Design of Physicians' Health Study II--a randomized trial of beta-carotene, vitamins E and C, and multivitamins, in prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and eye disease, and review of results of completed trials.

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Antioxidants in Prevention and Treatment of cardiovascular Disease

Christen W.G. et.al. (Article)
Design of Physicians’ Health Study II—A Randomized Trial of Beta-Carotene, Vitamins E and C, and Multi- vitamins, in Prevention of Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Eye Disease, and Review of Results of Completed Trials.
Ann Epidemiol 2000;10:125–134.

Links zur Studie

Can Beta-Carotene Prevent Heart Disease?


Hennekens C.H. and Eberlein K.
A randomized trial of aspirin and beta-carotene among U.S. physicians.
Prev Med 1985 Mar;14(2):165-8

No authors listed (Abstract)
Final report on the aspirin component of the ongoing Physicians' Health Study. Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group.
N Engl J Med 1989 Jul 20;321(3):129-35

Manson J.E. et.al.
Baseline characteristics of participants in the Physicians' Health Study: a randomized trial of aspirin and beta- carotene in U.S. physicians.
Am J Prev Med 1991 May-Jun;7(3):150-4

Cook N.R.et.al.
Beta-carotene supplementation for patients with low baseline levels and decreased risks of total and prostate carcinoma.
Cancer. 1999 Nov 1;86(9):1783-92.

Cook N.R. et.al.
Effects of beta-carotene supplementation on cancer incidence by baseline characteristics in the Physicians' Health Study (United States).
Cancer Causes Control 2000 Aug;11(7):617-26